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Sociopath or Psychopath

Although only a trained professional can make a diagnosis of whether or not someone is a sociopath or psychopath, it is important to be able to recognize the personality type in order to avoid further abuse. These traits also apply to a one-on-one cultic relationship.


Sociopath or Psychopath  
What is the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath? It depends who you ask.

The terms "sociopath" and "psychopath" describe pretty much the same personality disorder—people who feel no emotional connections to others and have zero regard for the rules and regulations of society.

He is the lie from hello to goodbye.  Exerpt:  The thing about psychopaths is that even their truths are lies! Or rather, whether or not they happen to be telling the truth or a lie at any particular moment is not what makes them psychopathic. What makes them psychopathic is that they use and destroy people; truth or lies are for them just so many weapons for pursuing their prey.

Key Symptoms:  Protect yourself from sociopaths - Learn to recognize the traits and then stay away.

Why sociopaths are hard to recognize : 
1.  They're fluent talkers (liars). Even when caught in a lie, they change their stories without skipping a beat.  
2. They're totally comfortable in social situations and cool under pressure.  
3. They use family or business connections to make themselves appear legitimate.  
4. They often become, or pretend to be, clergy, lawyers, physicians, teachers, counselors and artists. Most of us generally assume people in these positions are trustworthy.
5. They're happy to exaggerate—or fabricate—credentials. Few of us check their references.  
6. They will say absolutely anything—"I love you," "You can trust me," "I'll never do it again." The words, to them, mean absolutely nothing.
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Nameless, faceless and borderless the Internet is a perfect storm for fraud.
Con artists can dream up a scam, and millions of potential victims—from all over the world—are only a mouse-click away.

Accept the harsh reality Sociopaths do not change.
To a sociopath, you are just "supply." You are a source of money, sex, housing, business connections, or whatever else he is taking from you. Even though he says, "I love you," and "I'll never do it again," the words mean nothing. His sole objective is to keep the supply coming.  So what do you do? Cut your losses and get out.

Don’t expect help from the legal system. : 
Our society's legal and financial systems are based on people following the rules. Sociopaths do not follow the rules. Therefore, when it comes to dealing with sociopaths and the damage they cause, the systems are practically useless.

In reality, you have only one option: Learn to recognize the symptoms of a sociopath, and when you see them, cut your losses and get away. Because once you get caught in a sociopath's web of deception, you're on your own.

When you're the victim of fraud, Lovefraud recommends that you report the crime. The chances that you'll see justice done are slim, but if you don't make a report, there's no chance of justice at all.

Plus, if you've been scammed by a sociopath, you're probably not his first victim. Your report may be the one that finally enables the authorities to haul him in. Call your local police department. If they can't help you, they'll refer you to an agency that can.

Nothing happens in the criminal justice system until someone makes a complaint. If more people come forward, law enforcement agencies may start doing something about the devastating problem of fraud.  Report the crime anyway.

ALSO READ:  Profile of the Sociopath - This website summarizes some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths.