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About Pathological Liars

Pathological liars are, in essence, people who lie more often than they tell the truth, usually for self-serving purposes. They've discovered that they can get what they want more easily by telling lies, and they do it so often that lying becomes a routine behavior. Unfortunately, many pathological liars suffer from other psychological illnesses, such as personality disorders. They cannot be trusted.

Read more: About Pathological Liars and while doing so please note these last two paragraphs: 
·  Pathological liars have detrimental effects not only on their own immediate circle of family, friends and colleagues, but on anyone with whom they come into contact. Because their lies are self-serving in nature, they are likely to bring other people down with them, particularly if they are caught in a serious lie. They are more likely to blame someone else for a situation than to take responsibility, and consequently lose friends just as fast as they make them.
 Expert Insight

·  If you identify a pathological liar in your life, it is important that you realize who you are dealing with. You can't trust this person to tell you the truth about anything, and you should know that he is always looking for a way to get ahead. For most pathological liars, there is no such thing as loyalty, and lies will incorporate anyone and anything around them. Therefore, putting a person like this in a position of authority or dominance is dangerous, and it is usually best to cut this type of person out of your life.