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Monday, November 1, 2010

Bootleg EBay Merchandising of Phil Harris Products

This 9/7/2010 post found on the Discovery Message Board  Captain Phil Harris Memorial Shirt raises a very genuine and important question. Why can virtually anyone sell bogus Captain Phil Harris items on EBay and get away with it?

Today on EBay these and other items were found all on the same page:

Click to view:  Unauthorized Black T Shirt from EBay

 The following narrative complete with misspellings accompanies this Unauthorized Blue T Shirt from EBay
"There are many unsung heroes that may sometimes go unoticed. However, through the Deadliest Catch one hero received his moment of glory. Captain Phil Harris was more than a fishing boat captain he was a pilar of support for many people to do what they love and love what they do or die trying. Sadly, his life was cut short and we lost him way to soon! Keep his memory alive and show your support and respect for Captain Phil Harris of the Cornelia Marie."

This new Unauthorized RIP Shirt says "new without tags", as many authorized products do.  They're printed up and then just sold on EBay.

  • 100% Cotton Tshirt
  • 50/50 Available upon request 
**This Is A Men's T-Shirt - True Sizing**
**I apologize for the color mispellling - it is ROYAL BLUE** :-)

Months ago in  "Warning!!! Captain's Gourmet is a Fake!!!" Russ Herriott accuses Marsha Cruz of selling merchandise that is not authorized by he, Jake, or Josh.  It was posted along with a list of other loud, accusing misinformation.
Herriott says - “Neither the Estate of Capt. Phil Harris nor sons Josh and Jake have authorized the sale of coffee or merchandise by anyone other than Captain’s Reserve, the company formed by Capt. Phil Harris himself.”

How is it that unauthorized people are able to make bogus memorial shirts and other objects to sell for their own profit?  Why hasn't there been a forum post asking members of the "Captain Phil Nation" to assist in pointing out and stopping these culprits?

Why have the new, AUTHORIZED, "Memorial Shirts" with art work by Mike Lavallee still not been offered anywhere online for sale?