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Monday, December 27, 2010

Post by Devon12 from Forum

Back in October a thread was started on Deadliest Catch the Series Message Boards.  It appears that even then, many people could see the train coming down the track toward the bridge with the broken trestles. To read: 
10/14/10 Defunct? YOU be the Judge
  • NOTE:  When this thread was started the members of the "Captain Phil Nation" who were still following Russ Herriott as he faltered at the helm of had a lot to say.  Barbs and jabs were posted in attempt to discredit the topic.  Even so, many good questions were raised, and interesting points were  made.  The thread dissolved into ridiculousness spawned by the steadfast Russ followers.  It was eventually locked by forum Moderators.  In spite of all the distractions and muck the truth shown brightly through.  Obviously was in grave trouble.   
Inability to run ahead and reinforce the structure forced "the Foreseers"  to stand helplessly by for a couple more months.  They watched the train hit the inevitable weak spot that had been reported many times but ignored by the powers that be. 

The now tarnished, outdated train that was chugged sluggishly along the weakened grid and out over the gaping chasm of despair.  It then fell unceremoniously into the vast valley of hopelessness below.  After the dust settled most noted with misty eyes that there was not enough left to resurrect.
  • NOTE:  Russ Herriott, President & CEO Captain's Reserve Coffee chose not to go down with the wreck.  The chugging pre-disastrous calamity had been put on autopilot weeks before.  Russ hid safely at a remote location to view the carnage in seclusion.  He made sure he would be unavailable for comment.  That, at this writing, is still his status.

12/24/10  Once again the fate of hit the Boards. Post by Devon12 from Forum Messageboards   This time there is a different tone.  Missing are the barbs and attempts from hangers on to try and discredit the posts. 

Whether or not they still believe in Mr. Herriott's leadership abilities is not known.  Perhaps the "Believers" are still in awe of the train wreck they refused to acknowledge.  The devastation is obvious and very hard to refute.  You used to see it; now ya don't. 

At present we wait, and we wonder just what Mr. Herriott will say when and if he is ever interviewed on the subject.   Here's hoping he will tell the truth.

If there is some type of site or page brought online to replace the now defunct, will it be treated with respect and maintained?  That, surely, isn't too much to ask for.

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